
TBR :: June :: ARC catch ups

June 01, 2019

Ahhhhh can you believe it's June already? As always I have a growing stack of books to be read, these are just a few that I'm planning to read from this month. I don't exactly have a theme, but I do have some amazing advance copies to catch up on AND I feel like I might try and pull a bit from the romance stack in June. Most of these were kindly sent to me by their publishers (although I did buy the first two Orphancorp books myself). Click the titles to go to the Goodreads page for the books.

So that's my June reading plan! Not pictured here but also on my reading radar for June is The Rumour by Lesley Kara, which was the featured novel in the May Bookish Escape Crate box.
I'd love to know whether anyone else is reading some of the same books this month, or if there are any here you've already read and loved?

xo Bron

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  1. Allegra in Three Parts looks so interesting!
    I wish you luck with your June reads, Bron!

