
77 Saturday :: The Vanishing Deep :: Astrid Scholte

March 21, 2020

Today I'm joining in with the AusYABloggers and sharing a little snippet from page 77 my current read, which happens to be Astrid Scholte's new #loveozya fantasy novel, The Vanishing Deep  (kindly sent to me by Allen & Unwin). It was perfect weather for hanging out sheets, and for reading outside today, so I enjoyed some of this in the sunshine.
First, here are the 77 Saturday rules, in case you'd like to join in too...
  1. Pick up a book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
  2. Turn to page 77
  3. Find a snippet, sentence or paragraph you like.
  4. Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to AusYABloggers, using #77Saturday
Seventeen-year-old Tempest was born into a world of water. The most skilled diver on the Equinox Reef, she searches drowned cities with her older sister Elysea, seeking out old world treasures to trade for Notes. After Elysea mysteriously drowns, Tempest scavenges the ruins alone, driven to collect enough Notes to buy her sister's life for 24 hours, and to finally learn the secret she had kept until her last breath.

However, once revived, Elysea convinces Tempest to break her out of the Palindromena research facility and they embark on a dangerous journey to discover the truth about their parents' death. But they're pursued by two Palindromena employees desperate to find them before Elysea's time is up, and to prevent them from uncovering the secrets behind the revival process and the true cost of restored lives.

Dead or living, everyone must pay the price. 

And now, here's the intriguing little snippet I found on page 77 to share with you...

Elysea squeezed her eyes shut. It was better when she wasn't watching me. It was easier to lie.
Ooooooh! I haven't quite made it that far yet, but am really enjoying this one so far! I adored Astrid's first novel, Four Dead Queens - you can check out my review of that one here.
You can find The Vanishing Deep on Goodreads here, and Astrid's website here.
I'll have a review of this one in the next few weeks!

xo Bron

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  1. Oooh I need to get my butt into gear and read this one! It sounds absolutely amazing. And I love your snippet! 💜

