
Can't Wait Wednesday :: Deep Water :: Sarah Epstein

March 18, 2020

Today I'm joining in with a blog meme called "Can't Wait Wednesday" which is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings. As the title suggests, this is a chance for everyone to talk about those books that we just can't wait to get our hands on.
This week I'm featuring upcoming #loveozya novel Deep Water by Sarah Epstein.

Henry Weaver is missing.
Three months ago, thirteen-year-old Henry disappeared from The Shallows during a violent storm, leaving behind his muddy mountain bike at the train station.

Mason Weaver is trapped.
While Mason doesn't know who he is or what he's capable of, he knows the one thing binding him to this suffocating small town is his younger brother, Henry.

Chloe Baxter wants answers.
Why would Henry run away without telling her? One of Chloe's friends knows something and she's determined to find out the truth.

As Chloe wades into dangerous waters and Mason's past emerges, a chilling question ripples to the surface: how far would you go to keep a secret?

I ADORED Sarah's debut novel Small Spaces, a YA thriller that I still think about often - you can read my review of it here - so obviously I have been busting to get my hands on this one!

It comes out on 31 March from Allen and Unwin, who were kind enough to send me a copy for review - keep an eye out for my review in early April!

xo Bron

Check out Deep Water on Goodreads here.
Find Sarah Epstein online here.

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  1. I can't wait for this book, too! You know how much I loved Small Spaces. I can't wait to see what Sarah's next book is like! 💜

