
Reviews :: April 2020 Reviewathon

March 31, 2020

One of the things I've found about reviewing books is that I am generally either good at reading or reviewing, but rarely both at once. Lately I've been reading loads (well, until this whole staying home with everyone all the time killed my reading routing! Most of my reading is usually done either on my bus commute, in cafes before work, or on my days at home alone - none of which are currently happening!) - but have been seriously dragging my feet on reviews. It's the worst - I've been a bit lazy about my Goodreads reviews, since I know I'm planning to do more full reviews here on the blog, so sometimes it can take a bit to remember what my favourite things about the books were. And while I have never felt pressured by a publisher to post my review in a certain time frame, I do feel a responsibility to get my reviews up in a timely way - and of course when I love a book I want to tell everyone about it! And, honestly, when I've read the books it's just silly not to get the reviews done too!

This is my stack of books currently waiting to be reviewed - all of them sent to me by publishers, and all of them books I enjoyed and want to recommend. Just so you know, if I don't like a book enough to recommend it then I won't post about it - you won't find ranty reviews here, simply because I prefer this to be a space for promoting the books I do enjoy. I do give a rating for everything I read on Goodreads, and try to remember to write a few points about what it was I didn't get along with - if I can put my finger on it. Often its something that comes down to personal preference - for instance, I often (but not always) struggle a bit with first person POV in YA.

Anyway - in an effort to address my growing to-review stack I've decided I'm going to have a mini-reviewathon in April. Over the next two weeks I'm aiming to publish a review every second day. That will see me through this little backlog, but obviously I'll be reading as well so there will be more to review, and I'm hoping those two weeks of making a special effort to find space for reviewing in our evolving stay-at-home routines will get me into the habit of doing it and I'll continue beyond the 14 days.

Wish me luck, and don't forget to pop back regularly to see my reviews! I'll be starting tomorrow, so reviews should land on odd numbered dates.
If you're also a book blogger/reviewer feeling a bit behind on your reviews and think you'd like to join me by setting some reviewathon goals of your own please let me know so I can check out your reviews too

xo Bron

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  1. Like I said on Instagram, I am so here to cheer you on!
    I have only one review to write, and I hope to get that done today so I can do a March wrap up blog post sooner rather than later.
    But I want to see your Sabrina review!

