
#ausmgmay :: Aussie middlegrade May

May 06, 2020

Hello! Obviously my April blogging spree/reviewathon went well until it ended and then it was over! To be honest, I'm still having some trouble settling into a routine. Not in a dramatic, or sad, or very stressful way, just in a floaty, what happened to my day and also what day is it anyway kind of way. I don't really want to talk about COVID and social distancing and working/schooling from home and everything too much here, but it also seems weird just to ignore it? I had very grand plans for May and June - I was going to be on long service leave, home alone during the days baking and sewing and reading, doing the school pickups and having a lovely cosy winter. I'm still doing some of those things, but it does look a lot different to what I expected, and rather than spending more time and focus on my reading and writing it seems to be the first thing to slip a bit. So that's where I'm at with that. 

Something else special I had planned for May that I absolutely still intend to go ahead with (I'm ignoring that nagging voice in the back of my head about how it's already the 6th of May!) is to read and feature as much Australian middlegrade here and on my Instagram account as I possibly can! If you've been around for a little while you might remember how much I loved having my own mini festival of middlegrade here last year (check out my tbr here) so I have been super keen to do it again this year.

Rather than a tbr stack I thought I'd start with a shot of some of the Australian middlegrade books I have on my shelves at the moment. These are a mixture of books I've read - some of which I've read and reviewed recently - and others that I'd love to read some (including some that were on my tbr last year!). Some of them have been sent to me by publishers and some I have bought. I'm not going to go into details about these today, I really just wanted to share a little preview of some of the books I've loved or am looking forward to, but am always happy to answer questions/talk more about them if anyone has questions in the comments =) I promise I will talk more about all of these in the next few weeks (you can also see all of my middlegrade posts together here).

Now, obviously my tbr is completely out of control and unmanageable, but I am still ALWAYS delighted to get new recommendations of books to add to it, so please let me know what else I should have on here!

xo Bron

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  1. I can't believe I forgot all about middle grade May!
    I have a two middle grade books I'll be reading this May, so that shall count. 💜

    I just got The Republic of Birds in the mail today, too, so that's another one to add to my hopeful May TBR!

    Love this post, Bron. And I can't wait to see however many posts you make during this May.

    PS - you're not the only one who has that feeling of "what day is it?" everyone on the internet that I've noticed has said it permanently feels like that time between Christmas and New Year where you're not sure what time it is, what day it is, or what exactly you're meant to be doing.

    Take care. 💜💜

