TBR :: Jan Long Weekend Reads

January 26, 2019

I'm back today with another book stack to share!
I always love to have a mini-readathon over a long weekend, and for this weekend I'm reading books from my TBR by Aboriginal writers.

anonymous premonition is a collection of poetry by Yvette Holt. I saw Yvette read some of her work at the Canberra Writers festival last year and she was amazing, so I picked this up and have been meaning to get into it since.

Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia, edited by Anita Heiss, was one of my most anticipated new released last year and I bought it straight away when it came out, but so far I've only dipped in and out of the stories. It is full of so many stories from a diverse range of Aboriginal people and I'd really like to read it right through.

I started reading Terra Nullius last year when I was going to see Claire G Coleman at the Sydney Writers Festival, but put it down when I heard some spoilers. I know from what I've read so far that it's going to be amazing (and important!), so I'm determined to make time for it this week.

This weekend also happens to be a 24 in 48 readathon weekend, and while I'm not sure I'll quite be able to squeeze out that much reading time, I'm hoping to at least hit 12 hours in 72!

I'd love to hear what you're reading this long weekend if you're a fellow aussie, or what's on your tbr if you're participating in 24 in 48 - let me know in the comments!

xo Bron

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