In Australian author, book stack

#BookishBloggersUnite :: books I'm excited about - 2018 part 2

In Australian author, LoveOzYA

#loveozya :: The Change :: James Bradley

In Australian author, Harper Collins

#loveozya :: The Love That I Have :: James Moloney

In comics, kids books

Review :: Unicorn of Many Hats :: Dana Simpson

In Harbour Publishing, kids books

#kidlit :: Jacob's Toys :: Claudia Woods

In Australian author, Harlequin Books

Review :: Burning Fields :: Alli Sinclair

In Australian author, book club

Book club :: The Yellow House :: Emily O'Grady

In Australian author, contemporary

#loveozya:: Paris Syndrome :: Lisa Walker

In Australian author, events

#kidlit :: Blast Off :: Shelly Unwin and Ben Wood


Review :: Tempests and Slaughter :: Tamora Pierce

In book stack, TBR

June TBR

In Canberra authors, events

The Trouble in Tune Town :: Maura Pierlot

In events, LoveOzYA

Sydney Writers' Festival 2018 :: All Day YA
