
#loveozya :: favourite books

August 14, 2019

We all know I love YA books, and I have often been so envious of the YA groups that meet up in other cities - like The YA Room in Melbourne, and The YA Circle in Adelaide. So I was absolutely thrilled when my friends Claire and Ashley announced that they would be starting THE YA EMPIRE - our very own YA group based right here in Canberra! The first meeting of the YA Empire group was help last Saturday, as part of the Love Your Bookshop Day celebrations. For this get together everyone was invited to talk about their favourite YA book. Obviously I'm incapable of choosing a single favourite book (haha), so I took along three faves, and even though I've talked about them all before I thought it would be fun to share again here.

We weren't specifically looking at Australian books, but I'm not one to miss an opportunity to rave about Oz YA, and these are the three I chose!

Meet Me at the Intersection - Edited by Rebecca Lim and Amber Kwaymullina
(my previous post is here)
This is a fantastic collection that would be the perfect starting place for anyone who wants to increase the diversity of their reading, as there are contributions from such a broad range of Australian voices. I loved that there was a variety of formats of writing in it, including poetry and short fiction and memoirs, and every piece felt personal.

P is for Pearl - Eliza Henry Jones
(my previous post is here)
The writing style in this gorgeous novel is pretty much perfectly suited to my reading tastes. It has a literary, dreamy kind of feel that reminded me of the Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater and made me feel like something fantastical could happen at any time. Aside from a beautiful setting and sweet romance, this book deals with lots of pretty heavy issues that teens might face - it is about grief and loss and mental health issues.

Begin, End, Begin A LoveOzYA Anthology - Edited by Danielle Binks
(I've talked about this one before here and here and probably a bunch of other places!)
This short story collection is so good! There is loads of variety, so I feel like there is something for everyone in here, AND it is a perfect way to sample work from a bunch of Australia's best YA authors.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of these books, or about what YOU would chose as your favourite YA books! Let me know in the comments!

xo Bron

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  1. Ahhh, Bron, that is so exciting that you'll have a YA book group in Canberra! I'm so happy and excited for you!! 💜

