Review :: Wings Unseen :: Rebecca Gomez Farrell

October 06, 2017

** I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own**

This was a perfectly enjoyable fantasy read, but somehow it just didn't make it past enjoyable. It had a lot in common with The Blood of Gods and Royals  series, in terms of the types of character, alternating POV with characters' stories converging, but it just didn't grab me in the same way.

It took me a while to get into the story, but once I did I felt like the story moved along pretty well.
I don't think this is planned to be a series, and the ending was satisfying enough for that.l, so I would recommend it if you're after a quick YA fantasy hit without the commitment of a multi-book series.
I gave this one 2.5 stars.

Wings Unseen by Rebecca Gomez Farrell is out now from Meerkat Press. I received an e-book copy in exchange for an honest review, but only chose to read it because it sounded like something I would enjoy (life's too short to read books we don't think we'll enjoy). All opinions on my blog are my own, and I wouldn't tell you it was good if I didn't really think so. =)

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