
77 Saturday :: Angel Mage :: Garth Nix

November 02, 2019

We've had some wonderful bookish events in Canberra's bookstores this year, and tonight I spent a fun hour or so listening to Garth Nix talk about his new book Angel Mage  with one of my favourite local authors Leife Shallcross at Harry Hartog in Woden. I have seen Garth speak a couple of times now and I think he is just so engaging and entertaining and generous.

Since it's Saturday I thought I'd join in with the Aus YA Bloggers 77 Saturday blog meme, and share a little snippet from page 77 of Angel Mage. I was a bit nervous that it would be spoilery - since I haven't read the book yet - but I found an intriguing bit to share that I don't think gives anything away!

Henri gulped. He knew that most of such questioning was done with angelic magic. But sometimes that didn't work, and there would also be Refuser prisoners on whom angelic magic could not be used. Which meant this Second Assistant to the Clerk of the Question would have to sit in on the torturing. Writing down whatever people screamed and mumbled out, in between begging for mercy and, failing that, begging for death.

Aaargh! Sounds fantastic and kind of creepy (which seems to be kind of a theme for me in my reading right now haha).

Here are the 77 Saturday rules, in case you want to join in too!

  1. Pick up a book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
  2. Turn to page 77
  3. Find a snippet, sentence or paragraph you like.
  4. Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (AusYABloggers) and use #77Saturday
 Let me know if you join in too  - I'd love to read  it!

xo Bron

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  1. Haha, I love that your reads have all been fantastical and creepy - but I'm also glad you're enjoying them! 💜

