
Book Stack :: The Stella Prize long list 2020

February 16, 2020

Oooooh I LOVE awards lists - I always want to read every single book on every list. Of course that isn't really possible, at least as long as I'm expected to function in society like a normal person haha, but that doesn't matter - part of the fun for me is collecting the books and planning when I might read which one, and finding out more about the authors, and what my friends thought of the titles.

The Stella Prize long list for 2020 was announced a little over a week ago, and I've been loving seeing what everyone thinks of the list (I have literally only heard good things), and trying to decide what to read first - I always like to think that if I can just get on top of a couple of the books before the short list comes out (on 6 March) then this might be the year that I read them all (ha!).

There are 12 books on the long list, and I have my hands on five of them so far - click the titles to go to the Goodreads page and find out more.

The House of Youssef - Yumna Kassab

There was Still Love - Favel Parrett

Lucky Ticket - Joey Bui

This is How We Change the Ending - Vikki Wakefield

The Yield - Tara June Winch 

To be honest, I'll probably get to the library loans first, but these all look so good!
Are there any here you're busting to read? Or that are favourites already?

xo Bron

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  1. Haha, if only we could read every book ever! Real life truly does get in the way, doesn't it?
    I hope you can read as many as possible before the winner is announced. 💜

