
Book Stack :: Some favourite reads

July 22, 2018

I have some book stack news to share today! While I'll still be sharing regular stacks here, each month I'm also going to be posting about some of my favourite books over on the Living Arts Canberra website!
Living Arts Canberra is a new Canberra-based, not for profit arts media company, and I was thrilled to be asked to contribute to their website with a monthly blog. On my Bron's Book Stack posts I'll be sharing my favourite adult fiction, YA, and picture books from the month.

You can find my first post, featuring the lovely books pictured in the stack above, over on the Living Arts Canberra website now. If you do pop over to read it, I'd love if you came back and left a comment here to let me know what you thought!

xo Bron

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