In his debut #loveozya novel, The Path of the Lost, Beau Kondos creates a richly detailed new world where creativity is forbidden and powerful...
Zynthia is a Delver of the Cosm, one of the last of her kind. She has the ability to unleash the power of art, melody and narrative in a world that has outlawed creative expression. After her grandmother’s death, she is left to Delve on her own in the hope of discovering a lost ‘key’ that could preserve the Cosm’s light and save her world from fading into oblivion.
A single painting leads her to James, a man who is caught between two worlds.
After forming a fragile alliance with a Guardian and a rebel, Zynthia and James embark on the Path of the Lost. This ever-changing trail is haunted by forgotten creatures and secrets of the Cosm’s past.
Is James really the key Zynthia has been searching for? Can he learn to harness the power of his art to help in the battle against the Lost? Or has Zynthia’s Delving initiated a chain of events that will plunge her world into darkness forever?
I loved how complete Beau's imagining of this other world was - we are pulled along with protagonist James from modern day Melbourne into a completely new place with it's own laws, religion, mythology, and conflict. The non-human beings that Zynthia and James meet on their journey along the Path of the Lost felt completely unique, and more than a bit creepy.
As much as the adventure of discovering a new world, I also enjoyed seeing the relationships develop into unlikely friendships - and maybe even more - between the four main characters. The story is told in alternating perspectives from these four, and the use of third person perspective made the transition from one character's POV to the next less jarring than it can sometimes be.
I'm still not even sure what to think about the ending of this book - it was a bit mind-blowing! This is the first in a series, and I'm definitely looking forward to picking up the next one!
In terms of read-alikes, The Path of the Lost gave me An Ember in the Ashes vibes, although I remember finding that one particularly violent, and while there were some super creepy bits in The Path of the Lost I didn't feel like it was particularly violent.
Beau has kindly agreed to answer a couple of questions about his book and writing process, so keep an eye out for that here soon!
xo Bron
***The Path of the Lost***
On Goodreads
Source: I borrowed this one from my local library
Genre: Fantasy (YA)
Read it if you loved: An Ember in the Ashes
Read Harder challenge prompts:
16. The first book in a new-to-you YA or middle grade series
Find Beau Kondos online here.
Zynthia is a Delver of the Cosm, one of the last of her kind. She has the ability to unleash the power of art, melody and narrative in a world that has outlawed creative expression. After her grandmother’s death, she is left to Delve on her own in the hope of discovering a lost ‘key’ that could preserve the Cosm’s light and save her world from fading into oblivion.
A single painting leads her to James, a man who is caught between two worlds.
After forming a fragile alliance with a Guardian and a rebel, Zynthia and James embark on the Path of the Lost. This ever-changing trail is haunted by forgotten creatures and secrets of the Cosm’s past.
Is James really the key Zynthia has been searching for? Can he learn to harness the power of his art to help in the battle against the Lost? Or has Zynthia’s Delving initiated a chain of events that will plunge her world into darkness forever?
I loved how complete Beau's imagining of this other world was - we are pulled along with protagonist James from modern day Melbourne into a completely new place with it's own laws, religion, mythology, and conflict. The non-human beings that Zynthia and James meet on their journey along the Path of the Lost felt completely unique, and more than a bit creepy.
As much as the adventure of discovering a new world, I also enjoyed seeing the relationships develop into unlikely friendships - and maybe even more - between the four main characters. The story is told in alternating perspectives from these four, and the use of third person perspective made the transition from one character's POV to the next less jarring than it can sometimes be.
I'm still not even sure what to think about the ending of this book - it was a bit mind-blowing! This is the first in a series, and I'm definitely looking forward to picking up the next one!
In terms of read-alikes, The Path of the Lost gave me An Ember in the Ashes vibes, although I remember finding that one particularly violent, and while there were some super creepy bits in The Path of the Lost I didn't feel like it was particularly violent.
Beau has kindly agreed to answer a couple of questions about his book and writing process, so keep an eye out for that here soon!
xo Bron
***The Path of the Lost***
On Goodreads
Source: I borrowed this one from my local library
Genre: Fantasy (YA)
Read it if you loved: An Ember in the Ashes
Read Harder challenge prompts:
16. The first book in a new-to-you YA or middle grade series
Find Beau Kondos online here.