
Currently reading

May 01, 2017

I thought it might be fun to do a "currently reading" post every so often, to capture a snapshot of not only what I'm reading but also what my 3yr old daughter is into right now (because I think that's a pretty cool thing to have a record of, right? I'd love one of those baby/childhood milestone books based entirely around literary milestones!)

So, here we go...
Me first! I'm currently reading The Secret Keeper  by Kate Morton. It is HUGE and I'm about a third of the way in and really enjoying it. My only frustration is that I really want to just sit down and read it for a few hours, because I know I would get totally lost in it, but so far I have only been able to grab 15 or 20 minutes here and there to read it (which is also making me feel like it's taking a long time to read!)

My daughter has had a really exciting (for me!) few weeks of reading! 

Around Easter she asked me if we could read a book with "less pictures and more words", so I pulled out these beautiful hardcover editions of The Faraway Tree  books I bought a couple of years ago. I love them! The illustrations are the same as my childhood set, and they are just so beautiful. I just have to remember to correct the current editions from 'Frannie' to 'Fanny', because seriously!


This month she also became obsessively interested in the Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory movie, and the following week my father-in-law gave us a bunch of my partner's childhood books, including all the Roald Dahl which we've started having a look at too. 

And then, to round out what could possibly be the holy trinity of classic children's authors, when let loose In the kids' section of our local bookstore, she discovered Dr Seuss. She loves a bit of nonsense rhyming, so There's a Wocket in My Pocket was an immediate hit.

I can't wait to see what we discover next!

Bron x

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  1. You could totally use a BuJo to track Miss A's literary milestones. Then when she's older, she can look through it. I quite love that idea, actually. Ahem, getting ahead of myself there.
    (That mug is still rocking, btw!)

    It's so exciting that Miss A is enjoying books with more words and less pictures. I grew up on Enid Blyton books, and they're still amazing to me, even now.

    Can't wait to hear what else she loves!

